Oh I'm just "crazy" for saying that Snoop Dogg is STILL connected to sex trafficking in the USA and my DEMAND that he be charged with at least PANDERING right?   I have more details about the boycott I'm calling for UNTIL he either apologizes for what he's doing and does something to try and make things right OR that he's charged with either pandering or human trafficking conspiracy up at www.boycottsnoop.com

But I really started hearing the "oh Jody is just crazy" when I started wondering what the heck was going on with the Cupcake Girls in Las Vegas.  The same month I launched the first lobby with trying to organize a protest at the opening of the movie "Turbo" where he plays a child friendly cartoon character pimp in the film - complete with pimp garb and speech (let's just have kids think of pimps as "cuddly") - this group appears in town making a big splash about doing the same things we're doing only in a much more shall we say "flamboyant" manner?

They're showing up at strip clubs with cupcakes and giving makeovers is what the strippers are telling me.  But the news reports out of their sites claim they're doing all kinds of things like helping them find work, dental care, counseling, etc. Then I read this group is going to the Nevada legislature to get a Bill passed to help get prostitution arrests taken off the stripper's records on the claim that they "can't find work because of these records".

Well that's funny.  Every casino, company, etc. I've been getting strippers, prostitutes, and porn performers hired at in Nevada haven't had a problem with a prostitution arrest.  Many of them will even hire women with a felony record.   Thinking maybe they just don't have the same list of employers I do (which is everyone really in Nevada that hires), I reach out to them to offer the list of casinos who hire women with a prostitution arrest, and the notes on which ones also will hire someone with a felony.

They block me.

That just doesn't make sense.  I also can't understand why a nonprofit is lobbying for laws either.  Then I learn their lobbyist is also the lobbyist for Live Nation.  Live Nation is producing two concerts for Snoop Dogg this year.  They're also the lobbyist for the Nevada Defense Attorney's Association.  I've gone in for quite a few women already to get their records expunged through Sex Workers Anonymous AND helped many of them get alternative sentencing, reduced sentences, etc. through SWA using only their public defender because these women can't afford $5,000 retainers for a defense attorney.

I mean no coincidence at all this group is trying to undercut me, undermine our work, overshadow us in the media, etc. who just happen to have as their lobbyist two people who have a real axe to grind with me right?  I've had some women tell me the group has been using their work to be paid informants - but that's another story.

You may also remember I said we were being offered by a producer at MTV a series of public service announcements, along with a reality show "True Life" UNTIL I started talking to them about what Snoop was doing during that tour he's now confessed to be selling prostitutes all over the USA.  That's when they fired the producer, and then switched their trafficking campaign over from the states to SWEDEN.  You may also know that MTV and VH1 are very connected.

Meaning I can't get any type of public service announcements now on either MTV or VH1 since the Snoop Dogg tour, especially now with my calling for www.boycottsnoop.com

So guess what I found today in the news?  A rapper named Mally Mall had his house raided in a human trafficking case CONNECTED TO SNOOP DOGG.  http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/fbi-raids-rapper-mally-mall-s-las-vegas-home-business Mall was also part of the VH1 show "Love and Hip Hop Hollywood".  (So I'm also imagining things when I can't even buy advertising for Sex Workers Anonymous' hotline on MTV or VH1 - while they're producing shows with people actively involved in sex trafficking domestically.)  I guess no one remembers that my own story of sex trafficking started with people in Richard Pryor's generational family of prostitution that got a nightclub in Tarzana to launder their money.  Then expanded into the record and music industry to not only further launder their money, but also to get access to more victims.

It seems he was also registered as an "outcall producer" and a "concierge" at hotels in Las Vegas.   Now while Lt. Karen Hughes on the Southern Nevada Sex Trafficking Task Force is out chasing down johns and street prostitutes, and ignoring my phone calls - sex trafficking victims are being run through outcall services in Las Vegas casinos' and hotels.  But then if I wasn't banned from their task force meetings - maybe they'd listen to my suggestions about this LONG before one arrest in 2014 (considering I've been complaining about the state of affairs in Las Vegas since 2006 - and we even gave a press conference about the state of affairs in Nevada in 2007).  Oh but that's right - now they've gotten funding the task force has gone from trying to rescue victims to that of arresting people.  http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/2-arrested-connection-illegal-brothels

Now I'm going to repeat - this man is being allowed near our young boys and GIRLS through his Snoop Dogg Youth Football League.  He's also just opened a medical marijuana service.


I can assure you if there's a girl right now out there being trafficked in connection with Snoop she's not going to be able to go to the police because of what I'm now calling the "Bill Cosby effect".  Meaning he's bullet proof because he's famous and wealthy.

It took HOW MANY women to bring Bill Cosby down?  Only thing is that I want you to imagine Bill as Snoop, and his rape victims as young teenage girls being sold to pimps - and now you see my horror.  Those women who came forward with Bill were respectable models, actresses, wives and mothers.

OUR kind however is called PROSTITUTE, WHORE, SKANK, etc.  Supposedly even THEY didn't get any traction or recognition until a male comedian said something about Bill's rape in a comedy skit.

So any comedians out there?

Note - I've been wondering for hours why he would get an actual investigation - but no one will investigate Snoop, or the other people I've been trying to get the police to investigate.  I just read now that Mally Mall IS A MUSLIM.  Now I'm begging to see why they investigated him!  The FBI agent I spoke to said to me "if you come across a Muslim - let me know because THAT'S something we can investigate".  Got it.

Mally - you're not being targeted because you're an African American or even a pimp - but because you're MUSLIM!


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