What we saw after the old “five family” mobs were all locked up in prison was the rise of a different type of system operating in this country. Remember, we've been doing this work for 30 years now so things change. What we've seen is the men and women who were Aryan, white supremacist, KKK, skinheads, and with ties to still living Nazi's who relocated to the states after the war, started entering politics, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system. The African-American community has been involved in drugs and pimping all through this time on their own pretty much. If you've seen “American Gangster” then you know what I mean.

One of those men to give you an illustration is Paul Tanaka of an Aryan who is now involved in law enforcement and politics from what we've been told https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynwood_Vikings Paul Tanaka was a police officer until he became Mayor of Gardena. http://www.dailynews.com/government-and-politics/20150514/paul-tanaka-to-take-leave-as-mayor-of-gardena-where-hes-still-beloved He took a leave of absence to fight corruption charges in April of 2015.

Lee Baca who was the Los Angeles Chief of Police until recently. He was also a Viking Aryan gang member with Tanaka. Chris Butler was another, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Butler_(private_investigator) as was Kemp Shiffer. http://www.times-standard.com/article/ZZ/20120306/NEWS/120309397 (Kemp Shiffer only got a two year sentence by the way.)

Chris Butler was a Orange County police officer who opened a private investigator agency upon retirement. Kemp Shiffer was a Newport Beach officer who became an IRS agent. Kemp then took over the Mustang Ranch legal brothel when Joe Conforte lost it because of unpaid taxes. But because he was personally recruiting women from California and driving them to come work at the ranch as young as 16 years old “legally”, the IRS fired him. From there Kemp became an accounting instructor at the University of Reno. From there, he was recruiting students at the University to work at the brothels.

The Mexican and Columbia cartel started mixing drug and sex trafficking because the prostitutes were used to mule over drugs in their breast implants across the border. http://fusion.net/story/229003/mexican-woman-gets-busted-in-airport-after-having-a-24k-cocaine-boob-job-in-colombia/ Those who didn't make the surgery were used for organ sales on the black market. Their cartel started trafficking women through Cantina's, bars and strip clubs. The Russian mob started trafficking their women through massage parlors and escort services. The same for the Triad with Asian women. These “ethnic rings” (I have no idea what else to call them) were offered “protection” through the Aryan's now in law enforcement, the prosecutor's office, judges' chambers, politicians, etc. http://articles.latimes.com/2003/dec/21/nation/na-strippers21

The perfect cover is to now be “fighting trafficking” while pursuing “outlaws”. That's sex workers who are not being pimped and/or trafficked but are working in the industry alone. Project Rose is a good example. Round up any prostitutes not having a pimp or trafficker – so they start working with these cartels for protection and to get their charges dropped or even records expunged. Attack Craigslist, Backpage, Erotic Review – all sites known for “outlaws” who are not working under a pimp or for the trafficking rings. Including the legal brothels. Make it so you can't work independently online – and the women become vulnerable to joining in with the trafficking rings. http://www.wafb.com/story/28761189/craigslist-killers-86-murders-linked-to-popular-classifieds-website If you listen for example to the woman who survived the Craigslist Killer – she did not have a pimp and she was not trafficked - but was an “independent sex worker”.

One Asian trafficking ring had set up an operation that spanned the USA. This ring was again using police officers, marshal's, sheriff's, etc. to transport drugs, money needing laundering, guns, and the victims in the car. Drugs taken from evidence rooms was being resold through massage parlors where if anyone did get busted it would be the prostitute who would get busted – not them. The drugs were transported in evidence wrapping so if they got stopped, it's “evidence”. Also, the women were “witnesses” or being “transported to another jail”. The network of this operation spanned from San Diego, California, up to Las Vegas, then a straight shot across to Kentucky (as far as the transporting of items in the cop cars). From there the women were transported out to places like New York, Florida, Seattle, etc., by plane. THAT'S trafficking by the way.

We had gone to ATLAS, and the Las Vegas city council asking for a grant to hire a translator who spoke Mandarin because of how the Asian situation was set up in Las Vegas in 2007. Mandarin speaking cab drivers were picking up men from the airport who had tickets showing they had just come from China on them who also spoke Mandarin. Then they were taken to private homes used as brothels. There was no way to get these women out of the houses because they were on private property and no one was speaking Mandarin we knew – nor were any being hired by the trafficking task forces. Our calls to Bamboo Bridges to try and get a translator were left unanswered. They did have a fund raiser however. https://www.facebook.com/events/1648933488681483

Our “john sting” didn't work because they never sent these women out on an incall unless they were going to a man they “knew” because he'd already been screened by the cab drivers who spoke Mandarin We couldn't even send in a guy pretending to be a “john” unless we found a man speaking Mandarin who would fly in to China and then into Las Vegas. Impossible. http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/limo-ceo-aides-plead-guilty-las-vegas-racketeering-conspiracy Note here one of the owners who bought this cab/limo company was also a strip club owner. Why?

Because Rick Rizzlo wasn't the only club owner of strip clubs drugging their patrons and then maxing out their credit cards. Someone had to drive them home and if they had been put in a “strange” cab – the cab driver would have taken them to the hospital and probably made a report about repeatedly picking up drugged patrons at these clubs.
http://www.americanmafia.com/inside_vegas/11-20-06_Inside_Vegas.html While in jail – there was an accusation about Rick Rizzolo and Orange County sheriff Mike Corona who was illegally accessing a computer to get information on people and passing that information to Rick while in custody. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/sheriff-25563-carona-county.html Information on who? Don't know but I do know that he left a death on Buffalo Jim's car the day after Rick was released from jail. Buffalo Jim was then found dead with GHB in his system in a motel room supposedly that a hooker had been seen checking in with him. http://canadafreepress.com/article/ghb-suspected-cause-of-barriers-death

Mike claimed he was doing this as a “sting” but I never found anything about charges related to such a thing. I did find an interesting article on the computer however. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2015/05/orange_county_prosecutor_misconduct_judge_goethals_takes_district_attorney.html Jim's death was never prosecuted – but then then again the prosecutor at the time was on drugs. http://lasvegassun.com/news/2013/aug/08/former-drug-prosecutors-death-was-overdose-corone/

Because we couldn't get the women out of those houses to freedom - we arranged for a friend who was a reporter to get a “ride along” with Metro to do a story. Then to press for a “surprise raid”. Which is what happened here - http://talkaboutwidget.hmbreview.com/topic.php?t=460 I got the call from Terri Miller of ATLAS and we were at the Salvation Army 20 minutes after the arrests where bags of drugs, 24 women, 4 men, and two cops were found at the house. The women were not held despite the fact they're not supposed to be released until ICE has processed them. They were released back to the pimps before again we could even get to the Salvation Army.

Previously, ATLAS had been structured to question every woman arrested for prostitution as to whether or not she was trafficked. After Operation Dollhouse, the Justice Dept. gave a $370,000 grant to “restructure” the task force in Las Vegas http://lasvegassun.com/news/2007/jan/29/do-we-have-a-human-trafficking-problem/. What that meant was that ATLAS would only work on cases referred to them by Metro. At the end of the year, this meant ATLAS had worked with ZERO victims. Our hotline that year processed 311 calls in Nevada alone from women needing help. Terri during the year refused to help us with any cases we'd call her about.

We were denied the grant for a translator, and ATLAS instead paid $80,000 for a billboard that at the end of the year brought in not one single call for help. The city council voted to spend $50,000 to pay for a new sign to the Olympic Garden strip club instead. http://lasvegassun.com/news/2007/dec/18/councilmans-landlord-wants-help/ When we went to Metro about this operation – we were ignored completely. When we went to Chief Gillispie – every operation but the Asian one was completely shut down in 24 hours. The walls on the inside of the houses they had been using were even washed down with bleach. All our evidence was gone overnight.

We even went to Auto Zone who was having these illegally stolen parts resold through their store – only to be told they didn't want the publicity of prosecuting the men responsible. Since our allegations against Chief Gillispie – he has since stepped down because of corruption charges. https://nevadastatepersonnelwatch.wordpress.com/2012/11/24/fifteen-members-of-las-vegas-sheriff-douglas-gillespies-organization-have-been-served-with-a-federal-complaint/ Chief Baca has also admitted to corruption in Los Angeles http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/11/us/ex-los-angeles-sheriff-lee-baca-to-admit-lying-in-us-corruption-inquiry.html

The Asian ring would traffick women in the massage parlors and escort services in China while young. Then when over 40 years old, bring them to this country with promises of work and also under a marriage contract to an American. To buy back their contract, they would be forced to work at massage parlors dotting across the USA. Every month or so, they would be transported from one city to the next so as not to get too close to anyone. The women are promised if they “go along” their children will receive a college education here in the states they left back home in China. Back home where they could be threatened by these who were connected to the ring. Then the children were brought over here – they were used for recruiting, and even espionage, activities at USC and UCLA. http://mynewsla.com/crime/2015/05/19/ex-usc-students-from-china-accused-of-espionage-stealing-u-s-technology/

We've been going to the proper authorities about these cases, and others, to see what can be done to shut these operations down. This blog is giving you an update on these cases, and showing you how some of them intersect. Cleverly someone is reading our blog – because it seems everyone we're talking about is getting arrested or stepping down.

Here's the update on the “Operation Dollhouse” arrests. Now the women were here illegally according to this article http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/four-indicted-after-brothel-raids They were working out of a private house with mattresses on the floor, where there was the smell of urine and cigarettes in the air. There were at least seven houses they found in this operation, and drugs were being sold to the customers through these women. The judge however said “this is not a case of human trafficking”.

Excuse me? What dictionary are these people using? I doubt this case would have even happened if not that I've been blogging about this case from 2007 on. Especially since one of the officers who was this house ran for public office after this raid “uncontested”. http://williamayreswatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/my-election-recommendations.html However, he did have someone who “started” to run – who reports being threatened into backing down. To save face, they've now railroaded two people who are saying “I'm not guilty” into jail, and I'm not hearing any evidence against them in this case. Trust me – not everyone in the ring was convicted and there are still members of this ring operating as we speak.

One officer heard what we were saying about “Operation Dollhouse” however in Kansas. So he started investigating local massage parlors. He reported that he was getting so much interference from other local officers, he decided to wait until he retired from the force, and then went to work for the zoning dept. From the zoning dept. he was able to gather the evidence to make these arrests in 2013 “stick”. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/24/gary-kidgell-yan-zhang-sex-trafficking-kansas_n_3647993.html Three people were found guilty and sentenced to five years. The victims thanked the court for their freedom. One spoke in the wheel taken down. Doesn't take down the operation however.

We had been continuing to talk about this ring because a victim who resides in Pasadena told us that she had told her traffickers she wanted to “retire”. She's been working since she was 8, and she was now in her 50's. The response she said was she was taken out of her home by two Pasadena police officers and then slapped with two fake prostitution charges. Then she was told if she didn't “get back to work” she would have a third, which would get her deported to China. Once in China, she'd receive the death penalty which could be arranged for her through their connection back there. Considering this article – anything is possible when a detective is bragging he can “frame someone for homicide” http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/general-news/20140702/tape-pasadena-homicide-detective-bragged-about-framing-suspects-lying-to-get-conviction

This was in March of 2013 she told us this and we started writing about her plight. http://sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/05/29/trial-of-chinese-hotelier-features-accusations-of-prostitution/?_r=0 This arrest in 2015 of Liang Yaohui shows their connection back in China was not only a five star hotel owner, but also a member of the National People's Congress. Forty-seven other men were arrested with him. It's my understanding it's because the President of China has declared a war on corruption these arrests took place. They also detained over 1000 prostitutes according to the news.

But the heat was on. So what did they do? Switch from Chinese women to Korean women. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/online-site-where-men-rated-prostitutes-is-shut-down-charges-to-be-filed/

As we started blogging about these cases, and knocking on the authorities doors to have them speak with us about the evidence we had on these cases, I started having “johns” come to me saying that they were going into massage parlors, strip clubs, and even legal brothels, to be drugged, then once knocked out not only were their credit cards maxed out – but that they were going home to find out their other bank accounts were being hacked also.

When they would go back to the establishment – they would be told to “back off or else” face things like being fired, losing their marriages, etc., by these so called “legal” establishments filing stalking charges against them. Or further, taking any criminal charges to their bosses, their wives, business associates, press, etc. For those who ignored these threats, they were actually finding themselves charged with things like stalking, even gag orders. One man reported they had faked a photo of him standing outside one of their homes and the court took away his legally owned gun he needed for self-protection – leaving him defenseless. All said they were being threatened by cops and lawyers with criminal charges to force them to “back off” the money lost – when they were the ones who had been robbed.

I think we witnessed this in action in Las Vegas not long ago with Lamar Odom. The man was clearly overdosed on drugs – every organ in his body went into shutdown. He certainly didn't ingest that much drugs on his own. He was also left alone for an extended period of time despite the fact they said he was high when he arrived. This brothel should be sued for negligence at least. We heard he was missing $75,000 in cash that was in his pockets when he arrived – but then witnessed Nye County “considering drug charges against Lamar”.

Suddenly, we're not hearing a peep about the $75,000 and Lamar gets himself the heck out of Nevada. Not surprised Kloe got a staff infection after being at Sunrise. My mother died there of MRSA in 2006 and I've not heard of them doing a proper disinfection of the hospital since.

By the way, can anyone tell me why he was taken to Sunrise when the best trauma unit in the state is UMC? Roy was taken there after he almost had his head bit off by the tiger. If you ask me, it's because Sunrise has all of their records on computer. Meaning records can be altered and deleted at the push of a button. Again, I know because of what happened with my mother's death while there. NOTHING was kept on paper at that hospital – but UMC does keep paper records. Also, UMC is 20 minutes minutes closer than Sunrise to where the brothel is.

The ranch claims the $75,000 was his tab he “doesn't remember”. http://www.thewrap.com/lamar-odom-love-ranch-brothel-bill-khloe-kardashian-los-angeles-lakers-nevada-dennis-hof/ Chump change rather than face drug charges in Nevada which has some of the strictest penalties in the country. So we've witnessed probably what these men have been telling me is going on in this so called “legal” establishments.

Despite our track record here – I've not received one phone call, email nothing back from the Los Angeles Trafficking Task Force or Jim McDonnell. I was told by his assistants' that I had to first “wait until he got elected” to speak to him. Then it was “he had to be sworn in”. After that I heard he had to 'formulate his policy”. I asked if I could be a part of “formulating that policy” since I've been doing this kind of thing for 30 years – and got blown off. I've asked to be notified of when and where the meetings are only to be told “we don't have a head in charge yet” and again blown off.

Then I read that Merrill Ladenheim was named as the new “head” of this task force. http://shq.lasdnews.net/content/captains/Ladenheim%20Bio.pdf An officer who was promoted by Lee Baca by the way to the Lakewood station. Ladenheim has reportedly sent out an email stating he was “supporting Paul Tanaka's campaign”. http://www.loscerritosnews.net/2014/06/17/cerritos-sheriff-captain-abruptly-transferred-to-lakewood While I support Ladenheim's statement that children who are involved in prostitution should not be called a “prostitute” http://www.dailynews.com/general-news/20151020/no-such-thing-as-child-prostitute-la-officials-say I do have a problem with the fact that the police report for 2015 for juvenile arrests for prostitution has a ZERO on it.

Why? Because HIV tests are only mandatory when there's an arrest. Meaning none of these juveniles are being tested for HIV. Is this important?

With Charlie Sheen's activities with prostitutes while knowing he was infected since 2011 – yes. It's unlikely if these juveniles have been tested for HIV on their own, they're report it to all they'd been with sexually. Sheen also admits spending $10 million to keep this status a secret and I doubt all of that was blackmail money. I don't think Charlie checked for ID at the door and some of these teens look like adults.

Without statistics on HIV infection in juvenile's in Los Angeles – there isn't going to be able to be appropriate planning for services. Now with Tijuana having a confirmed HIV epidemic among sex workers - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/01/AR2008080102913.html China's having an epidemic - http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/01/world/asia/china-aids-sexual-transmission.html and Korea having an HIV epidemic also http://www.khap.org/?c=3/12/23 we kind of need to know if these juveniles who have been working as prostitutes, whether by force or not, are HIV positive. If you do the math also by just counting the massage parlors around you, then figuring these women are multiple contacts per day without protecting – we have a serious HIV problem brewing in this country right where the trafficking task forces are not going.

Kevin Brown was a retired Orange County officer also, who upon retirement claims to have “found God” and suddenly “wanted to save trafficking victims”. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/reese-373758-brown-sweets.html The so called “reality show” that came onto A&E with him was actually staged with women from an ad on Craigslist who were paid $200 to “pretend to be victims” to be “saved” by him. He did this in conjunction with Greg Reese, a private investigator from the OC at first who pulled out of the project before it aired. The address for “Side by Side” church however goes to some doctor's offices. His church was registered in 1994 – with sex trafficking not receiving federal recognition until 2000. Doesn't add up. Interesting side note – Kevin started this whole “campaign” of his just six months after Chris Butler's arrest. Polaris had even asked Kevin not to air their hotline on his show. There is considerable debate as to whether or not Kathryn Griffin-Townsend was involved as where the women were supposed to be taken.

But if it was all scripted – then they weren't really going anywhere. Eight hours after we served the station, and producers, with a “notice of intent to sue for defamation and fraud”, the show was canceled. What we wonder is if the whole thing was staged – what was he doing running around Orange County trying to find “Sweets” a 17 year old prostitute for? It's not like he was working with Children of the Night or anyone like that for that matter. If there was no rescue – then what was going on with these news articles talking about him knocking on motel room doors asking to speak to the prostitutes inside if not to help them? Again interesting note is this is how Chris Butler used to intimidate other local prostitutes who didn't work for him – he used to knock on their motel room doors and issue his threats. Also, why is D'lita Miller, the “consultant” on the show, also going by the name “Dee Tucker”?

Why am I concerned about Merrill's connection with Paul Tanaka as head of the trafficking task force working with juveniles? http://witnessla.com/lasd/2015/admin/paul-tanakas-attorneys-ask-feds-to-give-former-sheriff-lee-baca-immunity-to-testify-execs-charged-with-skimming-from-group-home-for-la-foster-kids/ Because of allegations he skimmed money from a group home for foster kids for one. Also because of allegations he “obstructed an FBI investigation” http://abc7.com/news/lasds-paul-tanaka-tom-carey-indicted-for-obstructing-fbi-investigation/721297/ One where a witness was “lost” within the jail system and the only person who has been charged so far is the guy who slipped this poor guy a phone to call for help? http://www.latimes.com/local/countygovernment/la-me-deputy-trial-20140614-story.html
Also in light of Tanaka's temper – he supposedly shot a Korean immigrant to death and then was put in charge of his own probe. http://www.laweekly.com/news/too-much-mr-nice-guy-how-lee-baca-let-paul-tanaka-run-amok-in-county-jails-2612340

Is ANY OF THIS ANY WONDER WHY VICTIMS DON'T WANT TO CALL THE POLICE FOR HELP? Preferring to call our hotline instead? This blog is to show you the progress we're making on cases we're involved with, and also to show you why we exist in the first place.

We have tried filing complaints on behalf of our members. The one we filed against Lt. Karen Hughes was interesting. We were told it had to be filed with her supervisor, only she was the head of Vice. Then we were told the Chief – but she was the head of N. Las Vegas ALSO. Since we couldn't report her to her – we did find another Internal Affairs office for Clark County and made a report there. Didn't hear a peep about it until we got a call from IA saying she was “no longer an officer” and therefore “no investigation would be done”. However, other officers were involved with her from what we were told. When we asked about them – we received no response back from IA.

A woman we had helped to get out of a legal brothel told us the officer who was picking up the HIV tests weekly was drugging and raping her. We went to report him – we found out he was also the Chief. The Reno website said we had to “report it to the Chief” which was him. Not knowing who else to report it to – we reported it again to Clark County Internal Affairs. Then I read about this case out of Reno police - http://www.wisconsingazette.com/breaking-news/reno-police-chief-hires-investigator-for-sex-harassment-case.html

We tried to reach the Chief of Pasadena police about what this Pasadena victim told us. Only to not receive any response for months after numerous attempts. During this time, I myself received a threat from another officer other than one of the two who supposedly drug her out of her home to “back off” or “face a stalking charge”.

We then went over the Chief's head when he wouldn't answer me – and suddenly we started getting three calls a day asking us to “come down to speak to him in person”. I gave him information on how her case was connected to the Wichita arrests, and told him I'd come in after he got their files so he'd know what I was talking about with him. After two weeks of him calling my house three times a day asking to “come in the station” – I contacted Wichita's people only to be told “no one from Pasadena has asked us for any records”.

At the same time, a woman I didn't know nor spoke to before, Meg Munoz of Abeni, connected to the OC Human Trafficking Task Force, starts fabricating a 5150 and stalking accusation against me. A side note, the Pasadena Chief of Police resides in Orange County. Now I'm not even talking to this woman and don't even know her! Suddenly it hits me that if I go walking into the Pasadena station while she's making these charges – I'm likely to get carted off like Sandra Bland. No thank you.

I don't need to physically go into the station to discuss this case. I then asked to discuss her case by phone – and suddenly communications stopped again. There has been a report ordered into the station already by a judge. http://www.pasadenaweekly.com/cms/story/detail/probable_cause_for_concern/14268/ A report Kamala Harris said would be “reviewed by Erwin Chemersky – professor of UC Irvine Law”. I asked him about the report and he said “what report?”

Bottom line – if what I'm talking about with respect to the cases we're working on were “figments of my imagination” then why are all these people being arrested for doing what I've been saying they were doing before the arrests? I doubt it's all coincidence and clearly someone is reading our blogs. I say that because I've also been saying that we're witnessing Iran Contra 2.0 – meaning that I see the CIA has been using this movement as a cover for their own ends in the identical manner as they did in the 1980's with Iran Contra then.

Then this came out in Slate - www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/10/27/missionaries_aid_workers_used_as_north_korea_spies_by_pentagon_and_kay_hiramine.html Every problem I've run into since 2013 has either been connected to the Hunt Foundation, Exodus Cry, or groups and people connected to the Family Research Council. So no – I”m not “imagining things”. Even Michael Horowitz, the author of the Trafficking Act of 2000 – says this movement has been “hijacked”.

I will say this – in trying to find some investigator who might return our calls about what our members are reporting to us to help shut down some trafficking rings, I noticed the name of Claude Arnold coming up a lot in connection with Triad cases. I'm thinking “clearly he's not afraid of these guys”. http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/09/09/54306/3-charged-in-sham-marriage-scheme-in-california/ Fake marriage, maternity motels - http://www.ocregister.com/articles/tourism-652861-women-federal.html and http://cw33.com/2015/03/03/made-in-china-feds-raid-california-maternity-motels/ counterfeit items http://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/cac/Pressroom/pr2010/107.html and child trafficking https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/suspected-southern-california-%E2%80%98sex-traveler%E2%80%99-arrested-boarding-flight-lax I'm reading this thinking “this Claude is kicking ass”.

So I go to try and find a way to reach him in order to talk to him on behalf of these victims. Only to find in December of 2015 he now is working for a police auction company and is no longer an agent. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/12/prweb13125112.htm I am trying to find out if this is the same auction company owned by Don Haidi. http://www.scpr.org/news/2012/12/20/35324/former-orange-county-assistant-sheriff-don-haidl-d/ Don was the father of a young man accused of raping, and then videotaping the rape, of a 16 year old girl. He was also an Orange County Assistant Sheriff involved in a corruption charge against Mike Corona, friend of Rick Rizzolo. It appears the rape was in 2002. http://www.ocweekly.com/news/lets-play-where-are-they-now-haidl-gang-rapists-6448633 It also states her rapists “spent millions to humiliate her”.

After my letter to A&E and Relativity Media resulted in “8 Minutes” being taken off the air, a woman who is living under the name of a dead woman set up the website at www.sexworkersanonymous.org designed to humiliate me. After 30 years of operating our program without one complaint, I don't think I suddenly turned into this person the site is portraying me to be.

Especially since not one member of our program has made one comment on the site. I've had others report they've tried to post compliments which have not been published. It's clearly a smear site. I'd like to add this was a 16 year old rape victim these men were paying millions to humiliate. I'm also a disabled volunteer working at SWA who is caring for my daughter who has a brain tumor.

Meaning these men are complete sociopaths and gives us an idea about who has been working in the Orange County legal system. I will repeat again, is this any wonder why victims of sex trafficking in Orange County would be reluctant to trust the police, or want to turn to them for help when trafficked or threatened? If a judge doesn't trust the prosecutors – I ask you do you think they feel if they did make a report they'd have a fair day in court? If a 16 year old rape victim was treated this way when she was raped by the son of a cop – how would someone think they'll be treated if they make a report against someone like Chris Butler? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/5/29/1388819/-Judge-disqualifies-all-250-prosecutors-in-Orange-County-CA-because-of-widespread-corruption

This is all the more reason why (1) our hotline and program is crucial and life-saving, and (2) why most of these victims are not going to call the National Trafficking Hotline who would in turn take their report to the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force – headed up by http://www.egovlink.com/ochumantrafficking/staff_directory.asp the OC sheriff, the OC district attorney's office, etc.

Especially if in trying to get help to them I'm either can't get a return phone call, or I get threatened! Looking at the progress we've made though – someone is listening and these people are being brought to justice and bit by bit the traffickers are being shut down. We could do a lot more however if we had a little more cooperation and communication with the authorities. Can someone tell me when something is done to clean house here?

Anyway, this is our progress report. Is it any wonder I've been told those in law enforcement aren't too happy with us? Problem is – that sounds like people on the side of the traffickers and not the victims however does it?


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