
I saw your article  and it’s important we stay on this story because there is a huge crisis going on from what I’m seeing and honestly the media seems to be the only way I think something is going to be done about this.   Since I started back in 1987 – I’ve tried to stick to working with adults (those over 18 years old) with respect to helping them get out of the sex industry.  However, the world is changing and I’m finding that I’m getting increasingly sucked into this issue because really the only difference between a juvenile and an adult is only one day after their birthday. 

There was a huge crisis going on back in the late 1970’s.  A lot of kids were winding up on the streets because their parent were on hard drugs.  In the 1960’s the drugs were mostly weak pot, LSD, and a lot of booze – but when cocaine started coming into this country with Iran Contra – suddenly a whole generation of crack babies were being born because of this new drug on the streets.   Teens who had turned to prostitution to survive were going into foster homes, group homes, etc., only to be even more victimized where they couldn’t get away.  You have no idea the stories our members have told me from that time period where they were being locked into programs where the staff was raping them, or even selling them to the pimps.  The shelters back then were either victimizing these kids or they were completely useless.  The minute the pimps would show up demanding them back with guns – the shelter would comply.   Then we had Father Ritter supposedly molesting the boys coming into Covenant House for over 10 years before that was stopped.  None of this was hitting the press because bad publicity meant people were going to lose their jobs. 

So Lois stepped up in 1979 and opened for those who were involved in prostitution in some way.  She had to because these boys and girls needed extra protection.  Because those targeting them were not pedophiles in the traditional sense, their type of predators was going unrecognized.  Which is how I first met Lois – I knew anyone under 18 years old I was helping to escape the streets and pimps I could bring to her.  I was working at this time as a madam and escort while trying to remain “independent”.  So any time I’d come across someone who was under 18 and needed help to escape the streets or some monster – I’d take them to her without one bit of concern.  I was seeing her do wonderful work.  Most important, the kids were safe with her.  I’ve now gone on to see her kids graduate college, get married, have kids, etc. 

The traffickers and pimps I was dealing with at the time were very careful to only work with those over the age of 18 years old.  I’m going to invite you to watch a clip from a Bruce Lee film from 1973 because I want you to see something that I feel had he lived, he was going to try and do something about the fact that there were no laws on the books against the sex trafficking of adult American women.  What this CIA man was saying was absolutely the case back then – the law couldn’t touch traffickers targeting adult American women.  It was truly open season back then on ADULT women.   Realize the world didn’t even acknowledge this was happening – so why would there be a law against it?  Remember the term “sex trafficking” wasn’t even coined until the passing of the Trafficking Act of 2000. 

So I ran into a huge problem though when it came to where to take someone who was over 18 years of age who needed help to get away from a pimp or trafficker, and yes there’s a difference in my vocabulary.  The pimp has a relationship with their victim very much like a domestic violence type of abusive relationship.  However, the traffickers were straight up selling people like property where they are “owned”.  Some were selling women to men in other countries like the Sultan of Brunei and his family.  I know this because “brokers” had approached me as one of the top three madams operating in Los Angeles at a time when there was no internet.  Meaning if you wanted someone who wasn’t on a street corner then you had to either deal with me, Alex Adams or Cheri Woods.  Between us we covered all of southern California’s “high end” prostitution.  So we were approached to sell “white women” who had no family for $25,000 a throw back then.  It was a very sophisticated racket back then where these sales would take place at the Beverly Hilton and the Beverly Hills police were part of this operation.  Meaning we had no where to run. 

Not when the treatment centers, homeless and domestic violence shelters were refusing to take us in out of a fear of HIV/AIDS back in the 1980’s.  This is why I took a warehouse I had been using for my prostitution needs and converted it into the first “safe house” for adults in 1984.  That got me arrested however when an angry pimp called the police claiming I was running a brothel.  The clips are at   She testified against the pimp and the charges against me were dropped – sure.

However, the police then came and charged my mother with pimping me.  That became a whole new case where I was on probation until 1986.   It was after then I realized something still needed to be done, but I wasn’t going to operate a residential program after this so we launched the hotline and 12 step program, originally Prostitutes Anonymous, back in 1987.   We also launched the first alternative to incarceration and diversion program here in 1987 also thanks to a lot of support from then mayor Tom Bradley, Chief Gates and Sheriff Block. 

But because prostitution was/is a crime – we were still not having this population we were helping able to access any money through the victim assistance programs.   I was told that if I was to help the push towards the passing of the Trafficking Act of 2000 that we would be able to unlock money for these victims to get the same services that any victim was getting otherwise who was in a different profession.   Because even those in “legal” professions that were part of the sex industry such as stripping, pornography, etc. were still being denied the same assistance as a housewife or secretary.

I had no idea then what bringing money into this field was going to create.  Now to help get this law passed, I embarked upon a lot of media to raise awareness that many of us who were being treated as criminals were not there by choice.  Therefore, it was wrong to treat them like criminals when they weren’t there by choice.  This was the intent of our alternative sentencing program – to take those who had been forced to be where they were arrested and get them free and in recovery.  Because when the police would do a raid on a brothel then – everyone was arrested including the prostitutes as criminals.  They were treated the same as the pimps running the place.  But for those who were there because they were sold into being there, or were there by force in some fashion – it was wrong to treat them as a criminal. 

After this Act was passed, the TVRA of 2003 was passed which was a revision that’s just flipped everything on it’s head. It’s created a “money madness”.  I’ve attached a clip here for you to see what I mean.  Here is a prosecutor who is now LYING about someone being a trafficking victim to get access to not only the victim assistance money – but also to go after grant money for trafficking which is now being made available from three major sources right now (1) the Catholic Church, (2) the Hunt Foundation, and (3) the Office of Victim Services.  What is written about here I’ve been seeing going on for a few years now. 

What you may not be aware of however is one of the ways these people have been going after grant money.  Up to 2002, we had a chapter of our program in every major city of the USA.  We were being used by the courts as an “alternative to incarceration” both formally and informally.  Formally we were part of the “Program for Female Offenders” in Allentown, PA for example.  Informally, if you were convicted of prostitution you could ask the judge to come to our program and the judges were granting this all over the USA, Puerto Rico, even Hawaii.  Because prostitution is illegal – we had a very hard time finding meeting space that would rent to us.  Imagine if you owned a building would you rent a space for a bunch of hookers to meet?  Especially ones who might have a pimp looking for them?  A violence, dangerous pimp?  Not many would so we were meeting in donated space given to us by the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities depending upon who had a shelter in that town.

After the TVRA of 2003 was passed – suddenly our meeting space was revoked.  I started getting phone calls from all across the USA from our chapter telling me we have “been banned from the property”.  We weren’t just asked to stop holding meetings – we found ourselves banned from the property.  It was more than being banned even as anyone who was a member of our program who was working in their program with helping prostitutes was fired.  If we had a “sponsee” the group was working with – we were forbidden to even speak to them.  Kathleen Mitchell had been running a chapter of ours out of the Catholic Charities in Phoenix since 1991.  We were told she had “retired” and Catholic Charities had now taken over the program and our meetings “were out”.   I found out later this was a lie – they were continuing to hold meetings they CALLED “Prostitutes Anonymous” – but they were run in line with “their” philosophy.  What this meant was every member in the meeting was told they were a “victim”.  I’ve got a tape here of a member in Phoenix describing what it was like “before” and “after” this take-over.

Of course I’m wondering why since our program is effective.  I’ve even got outside validation of that now in the 10 year study published in “Leaving Prostitution” by professor Sharon Oselin who even has interviews with prostitutes saying it was our program who turned them around.  So why boot us out when we were effective?  To apply for grants to fill the now empty positions that’s why.  What this “gold rush” has created is a bunch of people now claiming there are “no resources” when in fact there are. 

Our chapters regrouped and found new meeting space elsewhere.  Some started holding meetings in their homes even.  We continued to offer our program up for those wanting help to leave the sex industry whether that desire was to get away from a pimp, or simply to retire.  Which caused a conflict if you can imagine because here there are now groups claiming they need money to do the very services we’re doing, and doing without applying for grant money.  So people started being threatened with their jobs if they let any prostitute even speak to us.  Since I couldn’t find an attorney willing to sue over something like this with no financial reward at the end of the rainbow – I went to the ACLU.  This became the ACLU v. Catholic Bishops lawsuit which stated they could not refuse to allow referrals to “outside” groups, such as ours, simply because of a philosophical difference of opinions.  See the TVRA of 2003 stated money could only be issued to “faith based” groups and those who were “anti-prostitution” and “of the believe prostitution is not work but a violation of human rights”.

Well we’re none of those because we’re a 12 step program.  Back in the days of Prohibition, many believed alcohol was a “tool of the devil”.  This is why many churches back then went around having men sign “pledges” not to drink.  The alcohol industry wasn’t too happy about them either – so as to avoid butting heads with them or the church – AA has their “traditions” which mean we aren’t a church, nor can we take a stance for or against anything.   After the ACLU v. Catholic Bishops lawsuit was won however nothing changed.   We still were not getting referrals because of the fact we will not engage in things like “protesting rape culture” as one example. 

Now I was not alone on this obviously – many groups, doctors, and licensed therapists, were finding they were now being blocked from working with prostitutes by a new system that had developed.  A group called CAASE had gone to 11 states and set up programs in connection with the local police, a local task force, and the local Salvation Army and Catholic Charities – where instead of a prostitute being referred to our outpatient program as an adult – they were now being taken by the police to these shelters, and under threat of arrest, told they had to stay there in these shelters, and go along with their program ‘or else’.   We STILL were finding we not only were not being given referrals but any of these prostitutes who did reach out to us were being either arrested, or booted out into the streets.  To try and stop this, this lawsuit was filed and won.,_Inc.

That prompted some kind of back lash against our program.  Now there is no legal reason to block a prostitute from coming to us for assistance.  We don’t believe in putting these men and women into residential programs because that’s not teaching them how to care for themselves.  Since we weren’t going away, and we’ve been continuing to provide recovery for our members (you can hear some testimonials to that effect at, we started becoming the victim of some kind of stalking campaign nationally and online.  I have had to shut down our online forum because it was attacked.  I’ve had to remove our members room on our site for members to speak to each other because someone went in there and started “outing” members’ identities and posting photos of their children online, even reporting their whereabouts for their pimps to see.

Whole forums were being set up where each new member was told that I was “back pimping”.  One group of people in Atlanta were told that I was operating a child trafficking ring, while others in California where told I was now “producing porn”.  To back up their crazy claims they set up sites like   I don’t have the money to pay for every domain extension out there – so these people have set up sites like this to further make their smears appear to be the truth. 

Where it got crazy was when our local chapters started reporting back to me police harassment, stalking, and outright threats.  We had group chairs calling me up saying they had found gasoline poured all over their front porch, their cars broken into with threats left inside, their homes broken into where the only thing removed was our literature, they were being followed, their front doors were being kicked in, oil was poured on their flowers in their yard, and all kinds of other insanity to the point where I’ve had to put our local meetings on a higher security level for their own protection.   We had to remove all local meeting information off line to force all calls to come through me for the group’s security – which of course then prompted an accusation that we are now a “cult” because I’ve had to start screening all the calls to protect the local groups and members.

How does this tie into your article?  A campaign by these same people started up entitled “No Such Thing’ pushing to have juveniles not arrested on prostitution charges.   Now I’m sure Lois Lee can explain to you what happened to the numbers of juveniles who got involved in drug crimes once they started doing the same thing to juveniles caught running drugs back in the 1970’s.  Well – it created such an increase in teens involved in prostitution it’s one of the reasons I understand she opened CON in the first place.  I don’t remember the law off hand – but I’m sure Lois can fill you in on this who I am sending a copy of this letter to.

Because they stopped arresting juveniles on prostitution charges in 2015 here in Los Angeles as part of this “No Such Thing” campaign, this means there are no solid HIV/AIDS results coming in anywhere because prostitutes aren’t tested by the state unless arrested in California.  Now there is a confirmed HIV/AIDS epidemic going on with sex workers down in Mexico, as well as China, Korea and Thailand.  There have also been confirmed high rates of infection in various cities of the USA at this time.  But we have no numbers now on how many juveniles who have engaged in prostitution are infected because without the state taking those states – any test results are considered “confidential”.

This isn’t what concerns me so much.  For one thing, they’ve gone nuts.  This push to not arrest a juvenile on prostitution charges – led to a dilemma when Latesha Clay was arrested in Michigan with a gun because she was supposedly robbing her tricks.  I say she was probably protecting herself, and her two small children, with the gun.  But when the state won’t give out welfare to a juvenile mother unless they have a GED (what teen mother does have a GED I ask you), and there’s no foster parents, this pushes kids onto the streets just like Latesha.  Now because of the gun, they then charged her as an adult because again of this push to not arrest juveniles for prostitution.   However, as an adult they’re supposed to refer mothers to me in order to keep their children. 

One of the reasons why the Mayor, Sheriff and the Chief of Police back in the 1980’s allowed us to set up our program in the first place was because of a study we did back then learning that every single woman who was being locked up on prostitution charges had AT LEAST TWO children who were then being put into the foster care system.   To further help us sold this problem, the abandoned Via Avanta drug program was re-opened by Tom Bradley where we took women who were in Sybil Brand Womens Jail and pregnant and mothers who were HIV positive and he moved them from the jail into that program where they could be with their children and also receive better medical care. 

But they put to the head of the line those who came to our program instead of being incarcerated mothers.  Now in Michigan up until this madness with the church people (I don’t know what else to call them sorry) it was a part of their probation system that you couldn’t even graduate off probation unless you had shown you had attended our program for at least one year.   Now I’m hearing that Latesha Clay was sentenced as an adult and incarcerated with her two kids put into foster care?  It’s certainly not because some people think I’m “pimping” because I don’t run our Michigan groups!

Now when I heard about the 11 year old girl that was pimped out of the youth center here in Los Angeles, I also learned that we went from 3000 (approximately) to 900 foster parents in Los Angeles in one year – 2015.  I at first thought that maybe if I got certified as a foster parent that maybe I could help out.  I know Lois only has so many beds – so I thought maybe I could become a foster and get more involved with the epidemic I’m seeing of juveniles now being lured into not just sex trafficking – but pornography.  Now let me explain something – most pimps I’m seeing in Los Angeles are not using guns on their victims – but the camera.   You can slap a college degree on these women all you want but I’m finding no one is hiring them if their porn is online.  If they do hire them, all it takes is one photo online to be emailed to their boss and then they’re fired.  So a gun isn’t necessary any longer with most of the white pimps anyway.

Because our Los Angeles chair was being threatened – she withdrew from contact with people like LA Probation.  So I also started talking to them again about resuming our more formal “alternative to incarceration” programs.   I was told “no decisions can be made right now because we don’t have a head of Probation”.  Seems the woman who was in charge had to step down because she was sleeping with her boss.  Also seems they can’t make up their mind if they want to break from being joined with juvenile probation as well. 

This creates a problem for me also because while joined now with juvenile probation – there’s this faith based group that wants to have the juveniles to themselves.   Which is fine because I don’t work with juveniles generally – but as long as the two groups are connected then it is going to give us a problem.   So I’m being held off from doing anything with the adults right now on probation because they’re telling me they’re looking for someone to be in charge first to make that decision, which takes me back to the foster care system.   Which again I wondered why the sudden drastic drop.  So I started talking to some local foster parents who have recently walked away from their posts about why they’re doing this and the answer I’m getting is always the same – corruption and abuse. 

These people are reporting to me widespread corruption and abuse and that no one is doing anything about it.  They’re reporting to me that the ones who can be “turned out” are being targeted by the pimps and that they can’t get anyone to listen.  I’m even hearing from parents who are telling me their daughters are being taken from them for “no reason” and put into these programs where they are disappearing right out of them, trafficked, and then when they’re all used up, then just dumped right back like nothing happened. 

The thing is Garrett – when a juvenile was arrested on prostitution charges, there was a way to follow up on that case.  I’m completely at a loss now because this language thing has gotten completely out of hand.  I literally called the jail and said that I wanted to talk to them about a program where I could come in and work with the “prostitutes’ in the system and I was told “we don’t have any prostitutes in our jail – only human trafficking victims”.  Okay enough is enough here with this drive to find “trafficking victims” to the point now where I can’t even get the services to prostitutes who need them.  Latesha Clay is being treated at 15 like a criminal only because she didn’t have a pimp?

The only way I know how to deal with this kind of corruption and insanity is media pressure.  So I was hoping you and I could open up a dialogue about these subjects for the sake of getting help to these kids.   As I said, I’ve tried to stay only focusing on adults up until now but since they stopped arresting juveniles for prostitution charges two thing I see are happening.  The first is that it’s now “game on” as far as targeting of juveniles for prostitution.  Let me ask you something – if you were a pimp today who would you pimp?  Someone who could be arrested or someone who can cry “victim” and not be touched?  In fact, she can even play this “victim” role right up into getting all kinds of help while sneaking off to see him when no one is looking.  Second, they don’t arrest them so then what?  What I’m hearing is they’re targeting the parent, and arresting them.  Then putting that same child in foster care where they are now under LESS supervision by the SAME PIMPS. 

It does not help that I’m also dealing with completely fake programs that have been set up for phony TV shows, money laundering, or baby mills.  Yes baby mills.  Just take Mercy Ministries for example which was based right here in California.  They set themselves up as a “safe house” for “trafficking victims” that were so bold about their targeting of pregnant strippers they had adoption applications right on their websites!  The expose on them didn’t come out until 2012 – but that was after I started complaining to anyone that would listen that I’m having to fight with THEM now ON TOP OF FIGHTING THE PIMPS to get help to them! 

Because that’s what’s happening right now – the seeking of “trafficking victims” in order to tap into grant money has become such a drive that I’m now literally having to fight not just with pimps now -but with these programs trying to “sell” them into going into their program so they can parade them around to raise money.  The problem isn’t so much even with those that are using them in the adoption mills as it is when they’re using them strictly to try and raise money.  They seek them out, get their stories, and then refuse to help them saying “there’s no money”.  Then they go and apply for their grants or hold their $50,000 a plate luncheons using these stories – while leaving the prostitute who thought they were going to help them in the lurch.  I can name at least 10 women I’m speaking to right now in our local program who told me they were being promised help for as long as a year they never got – which these nonprofits and charities used their plight to raise money for themselves.  During this time they were not told that we could help them because there’s no money in that tune.

Anyway, I’ve got some people within the foster care system that are saying some pretty scary things about what’s going on in the system right now, and something needs to be done about it.  Something also needs to be done to let these parents know where they can get some help.  I set up SWAN for the same reason as to what happened to my mother – they arrested her because of my actions and she’d done nothing wrong.  If you look at Heidi Fleiss – they went after her parents.  They went after Jeane Palfrey’s mother but I was able to convince them it would be bad press for them so they dropped pursing Jeane’s 94 year old sick mother.  But I assure you I’m hearing that while they may not be arresting the juveniles for prostitution – they are arresting their parents and then putting those same kids in the CPS system and that’s just not cool.

There was a documentary on TV yesterday about the corruption they exposed with respect to drugs in NY in the 75th precinct.   What I’m seeing happening right now, after they took off the pressure of arresting juveniles for prostitution, is the same system is now transferred onto prostitution.  There’s no way to get caught with the drugs and even the judges, prosecutors, and cops are now partaking in the product  (the same as they did the drugs).

So if you’d like to talk to some of these people within the foster care system about what’s going wrong – please just let me know.  Thanks.

Jody Williams
(702) 468-4529


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