What's the big riff between me and the "human trafficking" people that have popped up since 2003?  Because what happens to us in the sex industry is DIFFERENT than that of someone being forced to work on an egg farm like Rep. Portman rescued.   Guess what?  You take someone off an egg farm who is being forced to work on that farm - and you find them some help for their PTSD and a new job and voila!  Problem solved.

It says their "workers were overwhelmed" as to the reason.  It's always the reason.  It's why social workers were protesting in Los Angeles recently saying they had 60 cases to deal with.  So they're "overwhelmed" also.

Meaning the system was "overwhelmed" in the 70's, 80's, 90's and what now in the 2000's we're surprised?  It's ALWAYS "overwhelmed".  Which is WHY they need to refer those cases who are addicts to Narcotics Anonymous, alcoholics to Alcoholics Anonymous, and those in the sex industry to "Sex Workers Anonymous".  Now I acknowledge our program isn't designed for juveniles.  I saw how AA created "Alateen" for the juveniles - so we too have just recently come out with for juveniles.  These groups will be led by professionals who are licensed to work with juveniles - but also by using the 12 step process we can get them the additional help the system needs in oversight, as well as addressing these issues directly.

What's so different with us than say just referring them to a trafficking program or a counselor?  Let's take a look at how this operates shall we?  I'm going to walk through through what I've seen going on for over 30 years of my life now with people who are not a part of our program and I don't know.   I don't know Montana Fishburne and so I'm only going to talk about her story so you can go and look it up for yourself online to see what I'm talking about.

This poor girl got hit on by Jeremy Pipes when they both were just pups in school together.  He had dreams of being a rapper and her of I don't know what but clearly to me she was crying out for her father to stop her.  I sent her father a note through his people to that effect and asked that he step in and stop her as the father she wanted him to be like and do.

He did not from what I've read anyway.  Jeremy then talked her into being down at the Vivid offices on the very day she turned 18 years old.  Before she took that step, I tried to reach out to her through every avenue that I could to let her speak to many other women who have walked on that road who would tell her "don't do it".  Only she did.  I didn't see any of these reporters around her giving her our number because then they would lose the story.

Then we saw what alcoholics refer to as "going on the wagon".  This is when they flush all their bottles down the drain and tell all their friends they're "on the wagon" and "turning over a new leaf".  We saw Montana break from Jeremy, and put out there on social media she was now a "fitness trainer".  Photos of her body in work out gear was being used to promote her new business - which then had all types of sports figures reaching out to her wanting to see her as a prostitute because they knew of her past and her porn videos.

This is also what I call "methadone".  You're not really prostituting - you're doing something that looks like it but it's not.  Putting out ads as a fitness trainer, and then guys hitting you up for a date because they know your past, and then they get you out to dinner, and then it's an expensive gift or two isn't prostitution right?  NOW you know why we call our program "Sex Workers Anonymous" instead of "Prostitutes Anonymous".  Because we know that "when we use sex in any form for any exchange we're lost all over again".   Whether it's charging by the trick, by the hour, or with a nice expensive gift after a one night stand - it's all the same just as all alcohol is alcohol and drugs are drugs.

Turns out Karrine Steffans, nicknamed "Superhead" was the girl who gave Montana the bright idea this was the door out of the sex industry.  Only now Montana is back working at a strip club and where's Karrine?  The last I heard she as on her form of "methadone" - her marriage.  I uncovered in our research in ex-sex workers that many would not get their own jobs or companies but instead just marry some rich guy.  When I saw Karrine announcing her marriage - I said "well there's her methadone" knowing when the marriage folded she'd go back into the sex industry also.

And the minute that marriage folded - BAM.  Right back into the sex industry.  Is she in sex work?  Don't know but she sure doesn't look happily married here today -  Which goes back to "social acceptability does not equal recovery" in our program as our "Recovery Guide" says.  Oh I see, the marriage wasn't even real.  This is how addicts get on methadone treatment - but then continue to "pick" a little on drugs.  Still not recovery folks.

Which is why was Montana listening to Karrine on how to get out of using sex to get through life?  The minute someone refuses to speak to someone in Alcoholics Anonymous - they don't want to get sober.  The minute they don't want to speak to someone in Sex Workers Anonymous - they don't want to change their life either. That simple.

By the way, men are not immune to this.  Seems Lil Wayne is doing a sex tape with Karrine.  Which explains this photo of Karrine's Facebook page of him looking quite plastered:

Going back to no one makes an adult film for a company like Vivid without knowing this is going to affect you for the rest of your life.  Also means Karrine had something to do with talking Lil Wayne into doing the adult film, and probably why Karrine would tell Montana not to return our calls.  Because she doesn't want to deal with her addiction to the sex industry either.  Which in addiction terms is called the "enabler".  They're the ones who tell you "oh you don't need to go to Alcoholics Anonymous.  You can get sober and then have a drink once in a while like I do."  And then both are carted home drunk down the road.

And now it seems Lil Wayne has made an adult film they're shopping.  Now you have to make people interested in that film - so of course he's doing his cell phone commercials.  That just beefs up the adult film sales.

And where's Jeremy now?  Selling weed it appears in Los Angeles somewhere.  

So now you see why this affects both men and women equally.  Is anyone putting a gun to their head?  Okay you tell me - you're a Fortune 500 company would you hire these people to work for you at companies like Goldman Sacs, JP Morgan or even Donald Trump?  Now I don't mean on his show for ratings - I mean FOR REAL?  We have seen who Donald Trump REALLY hires  - do they look like any of these people, with a film out on Vivid?  I seem to remember that when Donald Trump was sponsoring beauty pageants they were getting disqualified for even having racy photos of themselves somewhere don't you?

So do I think Donald Trump would hire Montana, Karrine, Jeremy or even Lil Wayne to do something besides music?  HELL NO.

Which means it's just not that simple for us as those kids who were trafficked on an egg farm then isn't it?  Oh and by the way - everything these kids did with the adult films, working in a strip club, IS LEGAL.  To an alcoholic - beer or hard liquor doesn't matter - booze is booze.  To an addict - doesn't matter if it's prescription or street drugs.  For us "any form of sex for any form of exchange must be abstained from in order to recover".

If you want help to escape the sex industry -


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