http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/las-vegas-restaurateur-says-former-fed-manufactured-criminal-case-against-him  First, read this article to understand what I'm about to say.

Now, what have I been saying since 2013?  I've been saying the trafficking task forces, the police, Homeland Security, and other agencies that we're supposed to be able to turn to for help with REAL trafficking cases has been:

1.     Refusing to take the reports.

2.     Immediately after trying to make the reports - we've been threatened by either/or a police officer, a private investigator, or an attorney to essentially "back off".

3.     When we have refused to back off, then when we've continued to talk to real victims we're then threatened with a restraining order, an arrest, or a 5150 psychiatric cart off to who knows where.

This has been happening to not just me, but other people who have come to me saying they had the same thing happen to them.

Then what?  They have to come up with cases to make it appear they're actually doing something - so they're coming up with either completely fake cases, or they're going after the "competitors" to the larger criminal operation.

http://reason.com/blog/2016/03/04/the-somali-sex-slave-ring-that-wasnt  This case is NOT an isolated incident.  As you can read by the above article, it's also happening in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.  I've been encountering this in every region where there's a trafficking task force including Arizona and Texas.  A trafficking officer was found dead before he could testify in a corruption hearing.  http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/a-deputys-death-opens-the-door-onto-a-world-corruption-in-sheriff-joes-mcso-6462478

Since 1987, victims of sex trafficking have been able to come to www.sexworkersanonymous.com for help.  In cases where those victims have wanted to press charges against their traffickers, we've helped support them coming forward to do just that.  However, starting in 2007, was when we first started seeing the authorities covering up information with "Operation Dollhouse" in Las Vegas.  We had sought out the media to report on this after I'd taken information on a national network of traffickers to Vic Vigna, head of Vice, and ATLAS, led by Terri Miller, only to be ignored.

I then went to Chief Gillispie, and found all evidence disappeared overnight EXCEPT the Asian houses featured in the press.  We had found a reporter to come in on that case thinking the publicity would force arrests.  Instead, we stood by and watched as 24 victims were sent right back with their pimps despite bags of drugs being found on the property.  The victims visas' were not clarified before their release which in itself is against the law. http://talkaboutwidget.hmbreview.com/topic.php?t=460

An officer who was caught in Operation Dollhouse, is now involved in the case involving Paul Tanaka here in Los Angeles.  https://www.facebook.com/SanMateoCountyNews/

You heard what the boss said when Mr. Lee contacted him with a complaint about how his agent was acting.  That he could "do whatever he wanted".

Well that does seem to be the case.  When I'm afraid to go near an officer right now for fear of being falsely arrested, or even carted off on fake accusations of being "crazy" - the traffickers have won haven't they?


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