I don't have a problem with Cindy McCain having been a using addict in 1992 according to this article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/11/AR2008091103928_2.html?sid=ST2008091103947  Lord knows I've been clean since 1985, so I'm not one to point fingers.

But I'm not out going around trying to take over the sex trafficking arena in Phoenix that our program, Sex Workers Anonymous formerly Prostitutes Anonymous, has been an integral part of the scene down in Phoenix since 1989 over all if you count when we were first working with Kathleen Mitchell, before she founded Dignity.

Nor am I building a complete infrastructure to separate out children who "appear" to be "trafficking victims" from the "other" children from the criminal justice system, and talking about putting them into the non-existent mental health system for juveniles in Phoenix during a time when there is such a crisis going on right now in Phoenix with respect to children being taken from their homes without a warrant or good cause there's a protest right now being organized for August of this year on Facebook.

Cindy McCain has been pushing for this "No Such Thing" campaign WITHOUT consulting with our program who again has been an established group there in Phoenix for over 20 years now.  On top of our local members there in Arizona, we have chapters world wide, our program has been around since 1987, we've answered five times more calls than Polaris has, and rescued more victims than Polaris has also.  We've been independently reviewed by people such as professor Sharon Oselin who wrote about us in "Leaving Prostitution", there's a mention of our weekly meetings in "Somebody's Daughter" in Phoenix specifically, and we've been investigated by independent reputable reporters who all wrote wonderful things about our program.

That said there's the disaster of Project Rose that came in and pushed our recovering members to the side so police could then drag women under threat of arrest down to a church where they were further terrorized into agreeing to attend Project Rose "classes".  Who then were running what appeared to be our meetings, only they weren't.  They were not registered with our main office, they weren't using our literature, and what they were teaching is not what our program is about.  Further, when I confronted them about these fake meetings, they then lied to my face and said "what meetings?"  When I confronted them with witnesses to these meetings, they then threatened the witnesses into silence.  So I had to come back with black and white evidence of them using our intellectual property without our consent, and I had to demand they either comply with our service structure, or cease the meetings.  They choose to cease the meetings.

Beth Jacobs was claiming online to be a "social worker at Willow Way" during Project Rose, only she was running around threatening all of our members online she could find, and telling anyone who would listen to her that I was a "pimp".  I had more than one person sending me screen shots of her threats, and her smears of me which made me wonder "who does this?"  So upon checking with the licensing board I found out she not only wasn't licensed, but further the clinic she was operating out of wasn't licensed, and Willow Way was not a nonprofit either at the time.  In fact, she didn't incorporate Willow Way until 2014.

But Cindy has been traveling doing all kinds of lectures from what I'm reading about with Beth.  I'm not going to go into what people have told me about her confidentially, but I will say that I find no one who has stood up to say "Beth has helped me find recovery".  Not one.  Yet I have interviews up at www.leavingtheliferadio.com and www.hightechmadam.com from people saying that both I, and our program, have helped them a great deal.   If anything, when I"m having one after the other after the other survivor coming to me saying she's been bullying them, threatening them, smearing me as another survivor, then I think she's got some serious issues that need to be deal with before she starts working with other survivors.  I know I've yet to have one member calling me up saying anything about her BUT she's just bullied and threatened them - so this isn't about just me.

Then I read that Cindy McCain created a charity with the intent of scamming drugs from the doctors.  Then after good people put everything up to get involved with a great charity, she destroyed the charity and good doctors' careers.  Honestly, with her husband's friends and connections I'd be afraid to say "no" to the woman also so I get where they're coming from.  But those people were exploited bottom line for her to get drugs - typical addict behavior.  Only Cindy refuses to discuss her recovery with the media it appears.   That's a red flag if I ever heard one because I've seen what happens to addicts who don't continue to work a good program for the rest of their lives.  They relapse.   If not physically, then into addict behaviors.  Scheming, manipulating, hiding things, etc.

The system that she's building for children in Phoenix not only isn't one that is thought out, won't work, but it's one where she's not consulting with people who have an idea what they're doing.  I don't care how good Beth Jacobs is or isn't - she's not the founder of Sex Workers Anonymous.  Since I've heard about this "No Such Thing" campaign I've tried to get someone to involve us in this campaign - not me - us.  I say that because all I am is a go between between our local members there and myself so they can protect their anonymity.

Now I'm hearing about some pretty crazy stuff going on down there based on the calls into our hotline.  So if Cindy cares so much about this issue and these kids why isn't someone on the phone to me to find out what we know about what's going on, how they can help, how we can work together for the benefit of the children, etc.  I already told Streetlight USA down there they needed to consult with Children  of the Night in how to work with these kids and I haven't heard anything about them knocking on how to work with these kids in recovery.  Where I come from - you want to help an alcoholic you take them to AA.  But she's not picking up the phone and talking to me about what we know about this issue, but she expects we're going to buy she suddenly cares?

I'm a recovering addict too but you don't see me running around trying to set up a program for kids in Phoenix either.   We've got members of our program who are properly licensed to work with kids, most aren't even addicts, and they know a lot about this subject.  I was talking to one of our members today who has her doctorate in forensic psychology.  I'm not going to put her name up online.  But if we got a call from these people we'd love to connect them to people who really know this subject well - but they aren't.  Now if they treat me like this - I'm going to think they're going to treat survivors with respect?  No - doesn't work that way.

Take a real good look at the way she treated doctors - and you people want to let her decide what to do with the most damaged and fragile children there is who have been pimped and put out most often usually by their own family?

This is like why are people letting Snoop around their children when he's admitted to being a pimp during his 2003 tour?  What - best they have money and power you just follow them blindly without thinking when there's children involved?


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